I’m Brigid Doty - I know my chili
See? I love chili! The looser, the better.
My Chili/Life Philosophy: Watery, Loose, Yummy
Too often, people mistake thick chili for quality chili. That’s a mistake. When I see someone going gaga for a thick, textured chili, I know that I’ve found my moment to shine.
You see, these days it’s all to clear that we are bombarded with flavors and textures that only serve to overwhelm and confuse the senses. In these times of chaos and uncertainty, we need chefs with the vision and guts to stay, “No!” We need chefs who will stand up and cook for us - with a thin, gruel-like consistency that doesn’t challenge our tastebuds or our assumptions about quality.
Brigid’s Chili Fact!
The best chili should be able to be chugged and/or guzzled. In these busy times, many people just don’t have the time to spend slowly chewing an overly fibrous chili.
My chili is so thin you can drink it! Just don’t choke on a macaroni!
Watery Chili: A Pandemic Staple
During a pandemic, thin chili can last as long as you have water to thin it out and a couple drops of chili-ish substance remaining. If your local grocery has been rushed by everyday people who are hoarding without purpose, you can rest easy knowing you’re set for the future with three drops of chili, a gallon of water, and hope.
Spreading This Philosophy, One Bowl At A Time
Across our great country, people are craving change. That’s why I created my One Bowl At A Time series to spread thin chili across our country. My speaking series, subtitled, “Why flavor is the enemy”, has captured hearts and minds while inspiring a new generation of chili chefs the world over.
I’ve given many talks on the advantages of loose chili.
Noodles: Required For Great Chili
Sometimes, when I’m arguing vociferously with people I associate with, the topic of noodle inclusion in chili comes up. I’ve heard every excuse under the sun - noodles get soggy, noodles don’t belong, etc - and I can definitively say that uncooked noodles are a key component to chili. They really bring a needed textural facet to everyone’s chili eating experience. IF you’re not using noodles, give them a try!
When In Doubt, Thin It Out
If you ever worry that you might not be correctly producing the thinest gruel possible for your family, always keep my advice in mind:
Whenever you’re in doubt, make sure to thin your chili out!
-Brigid Doty