
Summary Qualifications

-- Experience creating, managing, and executing campaign and committee budgets from less than $10,000 to over $10 million

-- Policy experience drafting, refining, and communicating a legislative agenda

-- Legislative and academic experience in election administration and electoral systems

-- Organizing experience in electoral campaigns, issue campaigns, and as a state party representative

-- Remote and in-person experience managing staff, candidates, and volunteers

-- Public speaking experience including speechwriting, debate prep, press relations, message development, and overall communications strategy


Chief of Staff - Office of State Senator Mark Spreitzer

January 2019 to the present -- Madison, WI

As the Senator for Wisconsin’s 15th Senate District, Senator Spreitzer relies on a team of committed staff who are ready to support and serve constituents, draft and analyze legislation, and be a force for positive change in the Wisconsin State Capitol. I’m lucky enough to be leading our office each day as we assist with Senator Spreitzer’s legislative agenda, constituent outreach, and communications.

Executive Director - Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee

January 2017 to January 2020 -- Madison, WI

Worked with legislators, candidates, and partners to present a new vision for Wisconsin's future focused on promoting fairness, strengthening communities, and expanding opportunity for all Wisconsinites. I am proud to have led the team that grew the Democratic caucus for the first time in years under rigged maps designed to halt our progress.

Fellow - Inaugural Bricolage Fellowship Program

August 2017 to July 2018 -- Madison, WI

One of four Bricolage Fellows selected as part of the very first class of the Bricolage Fellowship Program, I designed and implemented four symposia that brought together progressive thinkers and leaders from around Wisconsin. Unlike traditionally formatted symposia, these sessions challenged participants to think and work creatively on topics generated by the Bricolage Fellows individually, in small groups, and as a collective whole. Topics considered ranged from considerations of sustainable organizational models to the work required to move from an oppositional-advocacy mindset to a governing mentality.

Deputy Executive Director/Political Director -Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee

May 2015 to December 2016 -- Madison, WI

  • Led targeted Assembly campaigns to outperform the top of the ticket by 2.5%

  • Recruited, trained, and supported Assembly candidates in targeted districts across Wisconsin

Legislative Aide - Office of State Representative Steve Doyle

May 2015 to June 2015 -- Madison, WI

  • Responded to constituent concerns and assisted constituents navigate state government resources

  • Drafted official correspondence on behalf of Representative Doyle to constituents and government entities

Organizing Director - Melissa Mulliken Consulting

January 2015 to April 2015 -- Madison, WI

  • Consulted on multiple client campaigns with a specific focus on Paul Soglin's mayoral campaign in Madison

  • Developed successful voter contact strategies for clients based around voter turnout and polling information

Candidate Support Manager - Assembly Democratic Campaign Committee

March 2014 to December 2014 -- Madison, WI

  • Oversaw all campaign activities in targeted Assembly Districts

  • Trained and managed campaign organizers who were responsible for day to day management in targeted districts

Regional Political Director - Democratic Party of Wisconsin

March 2013 to February 2014 -- South Western Wisconsin

  • Cultivated and utilized a strong network of regional Democrats and progressive activists for voter outreach, earned media programs, and improved cross-county cooperation

  • Oversaw all state party activities in ten counties with priority legislative districts

Campaign Manager - Ananda for Public Schools

January 2013 to February 2013 -- Madison, W

  • Created primary election plan focused on voter contact needs and fundraising goals in an extremely short time frame

  • Planned, coordinated, and managed all campaign events, communications, and leadership meetings

Field Organizer - The Action

December 2012 to January 2013 -- Wisconsin's First Congressional District

  • Identified local activists and organizations in the 1st CD support of The Action's cause and approach

  • Generated earned media actions in the 1st CD including rallies, letters to the editor, and calls to Rep. Paul Ryan's office

Field Organizer - Organizing for America, Wisconsin

September 2012 to November 2012 -- Columbia County, Wisconsin

  • Successfully coordinated the campaigns of President Barack Obama, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Kallas For Congress, Worthington for State Senate, and three State Assembly campaigns

  • Increased Democratic turnout in Columbia County over 2008 Presidential levels for President Obama through high-volume voter contact via phone and door-to-door outreach

  • Organized short-notice volunteer events with surrogates such as Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden and actress Ashley Judd




Class of 2012 -- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • Concentration in American Politics, Focus on Electoral Systems

  • Honors Thesis: "Degressive Proportionality: Europe's New Answer to the Problem of Apportionment"

  • Awarded Leo S. Rowe Memorial Prize of Best Honors Thesis in Comparative Politics & International Relations